ADG 6: Successful Witnessing

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Share about a witnessing experience, especially if you had the opportunity to give someone assurance of salvation.


By the end of this lesson, we should be able to:

  1. Explain what is the greatest thing that we can do for someone else.

  2. State and apply some helpful hints on sharing the 4SL.

  3. Share the 4SL with at least one person.

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Bible Study

J. Hudson Taylor was a missionary to China in the early 1850’s. One time he was traveling by a small boat from Shanghai to Ningpo. Among his fellow-passengers was a Chinese friend named Peter who had heard about the Gospel but had not yet received Christ. As they came near to a pier, they heard a splash as someone fell into the water. As Taylor looked around in the deck he couldn’t find Peter.

“Yes,” answered the boatman unconcernedly, “it was over there he went down.”

Taylor realized that he needed a net in order to rescue Peter. He saw some fishermen with a net, just the thing he needed.

“Come,” he cried as hope revived. “Come and drag the net over to this spot. A man is downing.”

“Veh bin,” was the amazing reply: “it is not convenient.”

“Don’t talk of convenience! Quickly come, or it will be too late.”

“We are busy fishing.”

“Never mind your fishing! Come only, come at once I will pay you well.”

“How much will you give us?”

“Five dollars! Only don’t stand talking. Save this life without delay!”

“Too little”, they shouted across the water. “We will not come for less than 30 dollars.”

“But I don’t have that much! I will give you all I’ve got.”

“And how much may that be?”

“Oh, I don’t know. About 14 dollars.”

Upon this they came, and the first time they passed the net through the water, they brought up the missing man. But all Taylor’s efforts to save him were useless. It was plain that he had drowned. Taylor was saddened by the heartless indifference of those who might have easily saved him.

A story like this is shocking to us, but sometimes we ignore people who are lost without Christ. Jesus said that spiritual life is more valuable than physical life.

Let’s turn to Acts 20:24 and see how the apostle Paul valued spiritual life.

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

Acts 20:24

Observation / Interpretation (What does it say and mean?)

1. What is Paul’s purpose in life as expressed in this verse? (Acts 20:24)

So we see what Paul’s purpose was. Let’s consider what our purpose should be.

2. What is the greatest thing that ever happened to you?

3. Then, what is the greatest thing you can do for somebody else?

Our purpose should also be to share the gospel about Jesus Christ, just as it was Paul’s purpose.

Application (What does it mean to me?)

1. If so, what are some things we should be doing to see that purpose fulfilled in our lives?

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Helpful hints on sharing the Four Spiritual Laws:

  1. Simply read aloud the Four Spiritual Laws booklet, slowly and in a natural way.

  2. When questions come up that would change the subject, explain that most questions are answered as you go through the booklet. Or say, “That’s a good question. Let’s talk about it after we have read through the Four Spiritual Laws.”

  3. Occasionally stop and ask, “Is this making sense?”

  4. Hold the booklet so that it can be seen clearly. You may wish to use a pen to focus on key points. This will help to hold the person’s attention.

  5. Avoid arguing. Trust the Holy Spirit to use the Word of God to convince men.

  6. Be sure to give the person an opportunity to receive Christ through a prayer of faith.

  7. Give the booklet to the person and encourage him to refer to it later.

  8. Always be gracious and express appreciation to the person for giving his time to allow you to share the Four Spiritual Laws with him.

  9. Remember that success in witnessing is simply sharing Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.

Assignment and Reminders

Complete Lesson 6 of Ten Basic Steps to Christian Maturity Introduction.