Knowing Jesus Series
Beginning Your New Life Series
Follow-Up 5: Beginning Your New Life in God's Word
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We learned last meeting that we talk to God through prayer and He talks to us through the bible. Today, let's learn how to study the WORD of God.
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Beginning Your New Life in God’s Word
The Bible is God’s inspired Word to man. He has something to say to you. Much of the adventure of the Christian life comes from discovering through the Bible more of what God is like and what His plan are for you.
Throughout history, God has desired to communicate with the people of His creation. Before Jesus came, God spoke to and through the committed people of the Old Testament who recorded His Word. God then sent His Word to earth personally, in the person of Jesus Christ. (John 1:14) While Jesus was on earth, as well as after His death and resurrection, God again directed committed men to record the words and ministry of the Son of God. The result of their faithfulness and availability is the New Testament. The Bible is the entire record of God’s communication to us. It has been given to us by God who desires our fellowship and worship.
This booklet will help to explain how to understand and enjoy the Bible.
Learning to Listen to God
The Bible is the most important book one could read. Many people do not know how to listen to what God is saying to them in His Word. A meaningful relationship with the Lord is dependent on hearing and understanding what He is sharing with us. Following are some hints to help you begin your study of God’s Word.
Understand that reading the Bible is not like reading any other book. The Bible is God’s inspired Word to man. In this book, God has something to say to you. Therefore, read with the attitude, “Lord this is Your personal letter of love and instruction to me. Help me to understand and obey Your counsel and commands.”
In addition to the Bible, you will need a pen or pencil, paper and a quiet place to study. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your study. Your study will normally involve three steps: Observation, Interpretation and Application.
In this step you observe in order to find out what the passage says. You may need to read the passage several times or you may wish to write out the passage concentrating on “What does the passage say?”
The second step involves the question, “What does the passage mean?” Ask, “What does it say about God and man?”
In this step you ask the question, “How does this passage apply to my life?” You may ask the following questions:
Is there a command to obey?
Is there a promise to claim?
Is there sin to confess?
Is there an attitude to change?
Is there an example to follow?
Example Passage: 1 Peter 5:7
1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Casting a command
What does casting mean?
What are these cares?
Those who received this letter are asked to cast all their cares upon God because He cares for them.
Casting means to give away.
Cares can be problems, concerns, worries.
Christians are to cast their cares to God because He cares for them.
God cares for me and the cares I have I can give to Him.
I should not worry about my problems my fear of failure, my relationship with other people, finances, etc.
On Your Own
Read Romans 12:9-21. Mark portions which you may apply and select one verse for study. Using the three steps and following the example, let God speak to you.
Look Forward
Now, let's have a practice on how you can effectively share the gospel to your friends using the 4SL.
Shall we go out together again for witnessing tomorrow? Will you invite your FUs/friends to go with us?